Film director Mike Leigh cancels Jerusalem master class because of Israel’s actions

BRICUP | 22 Octobre 2010 | Leading British film director Mike Leigh has cancelled a proposed visit to Israel where he was due to teach a master class in Jerusalem…..

BRICUP | 22 Octobre 2010 |

Leading British film director Mike Leigh has cancelled a proposed visit to Israel where he was due to teach a master class in Jerusalem. Mike Leigh wrote to the Israeli organiser clearly explaining that is was Israel’s actions that led to him boycotting:

« As you know, I have always had serious misgivings about coming, but I allowed myself to be persuaded by your sincerity and your commitment. And it is because of those special qualities of yours that I am especially sorry to have to let you down. But I have absolutely no choice. I cannot come, I do not want to come, and I am not coming…

Eight weeks after our lunch, the Israeli attack on the flotilla took place. As I watched the world very properly condemn this atrocity, I almost canceled. I now wish I had, and blame my cowardice for not having done so…

Since then, your government has gone from bad to worse. I need not itemize all that has taken place… I still had not faced up to the prospect of pulling out until a few weeks ago, but the resumption of the illegal building on the West Bank made me start to consider it seriously. And now we have the Loyalty Oath.

This is the last straw – quite apart from the ongoing criminal blockade of Gaza, not to mention the endless shooting of innocent people there, including juveniles. »

Read report in the Jerusalem Post

PACBI Salutes Mike Leigh’s Moral Courage