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Top Israeli university marketing country’s arms industry to the world
A new university course at Israel’s Technion Institute of Technology teaches students how to brand and market Israel’s defense industry to global audiences.
French learners in Gaza take matters into their own hands
Ahmad Kraira is a self-confessed Francophile. Sparked by an interest in soccer – he is a fan of the French national team and former great Zinedine Zidane – he decided….
“Racism and Racial Discrimination are the Antithesis of Freedom, Justice & Equality”
Statement of the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) reiterating the BDS Movement’s Position against All Forms of Racism and Racial Discrimination
Letters to the Technion: Cancel Arms Export Course!
The Technion, Israel’s leading academic institution is now offering a course for arms exports and defense industries’ officers, aimed to teach them about how to form a strategy for defense….
Israel’s travel ban: Knesset bars entry to foreigners who call for boycott of settlements
New law doesn’t include caveat urged by Justice Ministry: To exempt Palestinians who reside in Israel.
Non à l’ingérence de l’État Israélien dans la vie universitaire française
La Semaine contre l’Apartheid israélien est une semaine internationale d’événements organisée chaque année par des étudiant-e-s dans plus de 200 universités à travers le monde et 2017 marque sa 13éme….
The Student Council of the University of Torino approved with a clear majority a motion supporting the academic boycott of Israel
On the 1st of March 2017, the Student Council of the University of Torino approved with a clear majority (76%), a motion supporting the academic boycott of Israel, asking for….
Israel kills 26 Palestinian students, arrests 198 in 2016
Official Palestinian statistics indicated that Israeli occupation forces committed violations and attacks on 89,799 students and 5,528 teachers and employees during 2016. The Palestinian Ministry of Education said in a….
Israel and Palestine: Settler colonialism and academic freedom
In the last ten years, an old scholarly paradigm that was used for the historical analysis of European settler movements in various parts of the worlds, and in different periods,….