Category: Other resources

Video: South Africa asks ICJ to order Israel to halt Rafah offensive

South Africa asked the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Thursday to order Israel to halt its Rafah offensive, and argued that the assault posed a risk to “the very survival of Palestinians in Gaza.”
South Africa’s ambassador to the Netherlands, Vusi Madonsela, asked the court in his opening remarks to “do what it can to stop the genocide,” which he said had “shocked the conscience of humanity.”
He added that South Africa’s fourth submission to the court was triggered not only by the assault on Rafah but by an intensification of the Israeli assault across Gaza in the last few days.

New investigations in Gaza’s heritage landscapes: the Gaza Maritime Archaeology Project (GAZAMAP)

Decades of conflict in the Gaza Strip have contributed to widely documented cultural heritage destruction, demonstrating a need to monitor vulnerable sites and enhance the empirical base. This article describes how the Gaza Maritime Archaeology Project (GAZAMAP 2022–2023) was developed to monitor coastal and near-coastal sites, collaboratively. Owing to the unprecedented destruction of heritage since October 2023, GAZAMAP’s scope has fundamentally shifted.

Violent clashes erupt at UCLA between pro-Israel and pro-Palestine supporters

Chaos erupted late into the night at UCLA’s campus as pro and anti-Israel protesters clashed in scenes that escalated into ‘all-out brawls’, including an incident where a firework was thrown into a crowd of people. The violence began when a group of pro-Israel activists arrived on campus to dismantle the anti-Israel and pro-Palestine camp.

Al Jazeera’s Rob Reynolds joins us live now from Los Angeles to discuss the latest updates.

Ghassan Abu Sittah calls out German state as ‘accomplices to crime of genocide’

“Accomplices in a crime try to hide the evidence, and silence the witnesses.” British-Palestinian doctor Ghassan Abu Sittah, who has become known for his work in Gaza’s hospital, spoke outside of the German embassy in London after being detained and deported from Germany while trying to attend a conference where he would present evidence on the war in Gaza and his witness statement as a doctor working in its hospitals.

“Dying Slowly While the World Is Watching”: Bethlehem Reverend on Israel’s War on Palestinian Christians

As Christians around the world celebrated Easter Sunday, Palestinian Christians from the occupied West Bank were prevented from reaching Jerusalem for Good Friday to walk the Via Dolorosa, the path Jesus is said to have followed on the way to his crucifixion more than 2,000 years ago. Meanwhile, Jesus’s birthplace of Bethlehem is uncharacteristically empty of tourists this year as Israel’s assault on Gaza and crackdown on the West Bank escalate. “Nothing can wash the blood from your hands,” said the Reverend Munther Isaac at an Easter vigil for Gaza on Saturday, about Western complicity in Israel’s genocide of Palestinians. Isaac is a Palestinian Christian theologian and the pastor at the Evangelical Lutheran Christmas Church in Bethlehem. He joins Democracy Now! to discuss the history of Palestinian Christians in Gaza, Israel’s occupation of Bethlehem and its strangling of freedoms in the West Bank, U.S. Christians’ support of Israel and more.