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Field Research by Ruhan Nagra | Right to Enter | 23 mai 2013 |
This report deals with the damaging implications of Israeli restrictions on the entry and residency of foreign passport holding academics wishing to serve at institutions of higher education in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt). The report was prepared by the Right to Enter, a grassroots campaign to defend the rights of access, movement and residency in the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territory.
Qualitative research was based on interviews with university officials, department chairs, faculty members and students at four Palestinian universities, including three in the West Bank (Birzeit, Al-Quds, and Bethlehem) and one in Gaza (Islamic University of Gaza). Interviews were also undertaken with Israeli academics, and case studies and testimonies were gathered on the actual experiences of foreign academics trying to enter the oPt and work at Palestinian universities. Interviews were conducted by researcher Ruhan Nagra for the RTE Campaign. Additional material presented is drawn from RTE’s previous and ongoing investigations of issues related to access, movement and residency rights in the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territory.
RELEASE of the Report Findings and Recommendations is scheduled for 12:00 noon, on Monday, May 20, 2013
For more information and direct discussion with the research team and foreign academics affected by Israel’s policy and restrictive measures, you are invited to attend the
Right-to-Enter Open Meeting at 17:00 hours, on Monday, May 27, 2013 at Al-Haq (old) offices, Ramallah Main Street, above K5M
Contact: RTE Coordinator Ghassan Abdullah, +970 (0)59 817 3953