Occupation’s 44th year: Doctors Speak about the Occupation

Physicians for Human Rights-Israel | 03/06/2011 | 44 years of Occupation, 23 years of PHR Israel’s struggle for human rights, medical aid, solidarity and protest against the occupaiton. Physicians for….

Physicians for Human Rights-Israel | 03/06/2011 |

44 years of Occupation, 23 years of PHR Israel’s struggle for human rights, medical aid, solidarity and protest against the occupaiton. Physicians for Human Rights-Israel volunteers’ points of view.

From the Diary of a Doctor: A Visit to Gaza

From the Diary of a Doctor, Dr. Rafik Masalha in a Visit to the Gaza Strip (Feb. 2011): « At the Erez Checkpoint, as I was standing in front of the concrete walls and the enormous iron doors …I felt – as a neurologist and a member of PHR Israel – that I can break the walls of the blockade with my humble reflex hammer. »

Dr. Abdul Shafi: Challenges to Palestinian Health Care in Jerusalem

Dr. Abdul Shaif on Palestinian hospitals in Jerusaelm « At the advent of my career in Jerusalem, I met a scholar, who was interested in the city’s history. He stated that most Palestinian cities and communities had either economic or military significance, however, Jerusalem had neither! …I mention this to stress the dependence of Jerusalem on the rest of the country for its viability, in all aspects of life, the health industry being no exception! »

Dr. Skafi: A comrad to a vision

An Interview with Dr. Skafi of the Palestinian Medical Relief Society (PMRS): « We emphasize as well that Israel does not fulfill its responsibility towards the people of the Occupied Territories, but rather this is done by international, Palestinian and Israeli organizations and peace movements – they are the ones that help. But we shall not forget, it is the occupier’s responsibility… »

Salah Haj Yahya: our recent project

Prof. Walden initiated, Salah operated, and a unique coopeartion of Starkey foundation, Sheba Medical Center and PHR Israel brought hearing aids to Palestinian patients.

Dr. Ruchama Marton: Reflecting on the Struggle

An Interview with Dr. Ruchama Marton, PHR Israel’s founder and president: « I am for being active, for recognizing what is wrong and acting against it. It is necessary to have a vision. Without an image of a better world, we cannot recognize the injustice, a necessary condition for the struggle. »