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Who will stop Israel’s illegal annexations of Palestinian land ?

The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) condemns Israel’s plans to annex and expand illegal settlements in the West Bank, actions that constitute war crimes under the Fourth Geneva Convention. Third countries must uphold international law for the Palestinian people, or it will eventually cease to exist. FIDH call on all states to deploy all the necessary efforts in order to end Israel’s settler-colonialism and apartheid, and work towards the realisation of the Palestinian people’s rights to self-determination.

The Killing of Hind Rajab

On 29 January 2024, a six-year-old Palestinian child in Gaza City, Hind Rajab, pleaded over the phone for emergency workers to rescue her from a car riddled with bullets. Her body was found two weeks later, on 10 February, alongside the bodies of six of her family members in the car they drove to flee their neighbourhood as Israeli forces invaded. The bodies of two Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) paramedics, missing since the evening of the call when they were dispatched to rescue Hind, were discovered in their ambulance about 50 metres away.