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GSOC-UAW 2110 (NYU) Membership BDS Letter
To our fellow members and our Union,
Palestinians report more than 100 wounded after violent clashes erupt in West Bank
Less than a day after deadly attack in Jerusalem’s Old City, Israel Defense Forces carry out numerous arrest operations.
Report reveals 9 Israel lobby tactics to silence students
Lawyers have responded to nearly 300 incidents of “censorship, punishment, or other burdening of advocacy for Palestinian rights” filed by Palestine solidarity activists on more than 65 US campuses in….
Israel’s army and schools work hand in hand, say teachers
Close ties means Israeli pupils are being raised to be “good soldiers” rather than good citizens
Israeli Forces Murder Female Student at Shuhada Street Checkpoint: “They could have arrested her so easily but they didn´t.”
A Witness Recounts the Final Moments of 18-year-old Hadil Salah Hashlamoun’s Life. This morning in the Tel Rumeida section of al-Khalil (Hebron) the sound of multiple rounds of live ammunition….
Thomas Blom Hansen: Why I Support the Boycott of Israeli Academic Institutions
[This essay originally appeared on Anthropology News as part of an exchange on the boycott and anthropology]
By Thomas Blom Hansen (Stanford U)
Everything You Need to Run an Anthropology Boycott Teach-In
Have you signed on to the boycott of Israeli academic institutions and want to encourage your colleagues to do the same? Holding a teach‐in on the boycott in your department….
In its new agreement with the Technion, the École Polytechnique maintains its disregard for international law and ethics
Economic policy has rarely been so ineffectual. Unemployment continues to rise, poverty and precarity likewise, social fractures grow. Meanwhile the budget deficit, in whose name so much has been sacrificed….
Appeal to UNESCO to save Palestinian posters in Memory of Mankind!
A Unique collection of 1600 posters documenting the struggle for Palestine has been collected by Dan Walsh of the Palestine Posters Archive and is now being offered to UNESCO to….