Category: Columns

Statement of Boycott of Academic Workshop at Hebrew University

Fifty-five scholars and intellectuals, most of whom do work related to South Asia, and four important academic and cultural associations, are among many hundreds of academics from different fields who urge scholars to boycott any official event hosted by Israeli universities, institutions that are complicit with occupation and apartheid. In particular, the signatories of the letter, below, ask that scholars do not attend the workshop on South Asia in World War II to be held this summer at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Among the list of scholars and intellectuals are Aijaz Ahmad, Partha Chatterjee, Githa Hariharan, Jasbir Puar, Nivedita Menon, Tithi Bhattacharya, Junaid Rana, and Najaf Haider. Our pledge is not to cross the international picket line until “the occupation of Palestine and blockade of Gaza ends, racial inequality inflicted on Palestinians in Israel is terminated, and the Apartheid Wall is dismantled.”

Apartheid is not just a metaphor

Focusing on the complicity of Israeli universities in maintaining the occupation of Palestine, and on the repression of academic and political freedom for Palestinians, a new collection of essays, Against Apartheid: The Case for Boycotting Israeli Universities, edited by Ashley Dawson and Bill V. Mullen, explains why scholars and students around the world should cut all ties with Israeli institutions.

The following presentation by Ashley Dawson was one of several at the New York City launch event for the book.