As Israel boycott picks up steam, UC Davis offers new BDS course

The course, which doesn’t count toward college credit, covers the history and tactics of the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement.

Haaretz | 3 mars 2014 |

Students at the University of California, Davis, can now study the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement as part of their college studies.

Students for Justice in Palestine, a student movement for in the U.S. and Canada, said the new course, which does not count toward college credit, covers the history of the BDS movement and tactics for anti-Israel boycott activism, Israel Hayom reported.

The Jewish Agency representative at UC Davis, Hadas Buskila, said that the course is becoming popular with students.

« About 170 students and even two lecturers came to the first class. We are preparing to lead a strategic fight against this initiative, in cooperation with the pro-Israel group on campus, » Israel Hayom cited Buskila as saying.

Responding to BDS initiatives on U.S. college campuses, Israel Hayom said, Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky has increased the number of is campus emissaries to more than 60.

This article was amended to clarify that the course is not being offered by the University of California, Davis.