AURDIP soutient l’appel de s’opposer aux attaques diffamatoires du rapport Goldstone

English version below.

Fordham Law School in New York organise une conférence présentée dans les termes suivants:

… Attacks on the legitimacy of actions taken in self-defense by democratic states, in the halls of the UN and international and domestic courts, radically undermine the ability to protect the welfare of the Jewish state and all democracies from the scourge of terrorism. This assault empowers and emboldens the enemies of democracy and encourages the intolerance and antisemitism at the root of the terrorist and anti-Zionist agenda…

AURDIP a rejoint d’autres organisations internationales universitaires pour déplorer l’utilisation d’une université pour l’organisation d’un tel événement à sens unique ne respectant pas les valeurs académiques. Nous avons appelé les «participants à la conférence à condamner les critiques injustes qui ont détourné l’attention du contenu du rapport et qui ont inclus des attaques personnelles contre le juge Richard Goldstone ».

Télécharger la lettre.

Télécharger la liste des signataires.

Fordham Law School in New York is hosting a conference which annouces itself as:

… Attacks on the legitimacy of actions taken in self-defense by democratic states, in the halls of the UN and international and domestic courts, radically undermine the ability to protect the welfare of the Jewish state and all democracies from the scourge of terrorism. This assault empowers and emboldens the enemies of democracy and encourages the intolerance and antisemitism at the root of the terrorist and anti-Zionist agenda…

AURDIP has joined other international academic Palestinian support organisations in deploring the use of a university for such a one-sided and academically poor event. We called on « conference participants to condemn the unfair criticism that has diverted attention from the contents of the report and that has included personal attacks on Justice Richard Goldstone ».

Download the letter.

Download the list of signatories.