We, the undersigned members of the princeton university community, stand up for human rights in the west bank and Gaza

We, the undersigned members of the Princeton University community, are deeply concerned about the Israeli military occupation of the West Bank and siege of the Gaza Strip, which are responsible….

We, the undersigned members of the Princeton University community, are deeply concerned about the Israeli military occupation of the West Bank and siege of the Gaza Strip, which are responsible for severe violations of Palestinian human rights.

The Israeli military has occupied the West Bank for nearly half a century in violation of UN Security Council Resolution 242. The disproportionate violence against civilians during Israeli military engagements in Gaza in 2008-09, 2012, and 2014 has been condemned by many, including the United Nations and Amnesty International. Israeli settlements, illegal under the Geneva Convention and illegitimate according to the U.S. State Department, continue to expand in the West Bank and East Jerusalem despite international condemnation.

Many companies profit from the illegal Israeli military occupation and siege. These include Caterpillar, which provides bulldozers used to demolish Palestinian homes; Hewlett-Packard, which produces bioscanners used to profile Palestinians and track their movements; and Combined Systems Inc, which manufactures tear gas used on nonviolent protesters.

It is time for our university to join institutions like the Presbyterian Church (USA), the United Methodist Church, the Mennonite Church, the Quaker Friends Fiduciary Corporation, and Teachers Insurance and Annuity (TIAA-CREF) in divesting from such companies.

We therefore call on Princeton University to divest from all companies that contribute to or profit from the Israeli occupation of the West Bank until the State of Israel complies with UN Resolution 242, ends its military occupation of the West Bank, and lifts its siege of Gaza.

This petition has acquired over 500 signatures, including over 430 from undergraduates.

You may add your signature here

Alumni should sign the alumni petition here

Family and community members should sign the community petition here