Israel detains leading Palestinian astrophysicist

JERUSALEM, Friday, July 17, 2020 (WAFA) – Israeli forces Thursday evening detained a leading Palestinian astrophysicist at the entrance of Anata town, northeast of Jerusalem, said WAFA correspondent. He confirmed….

JERUSALEM, Friday, July 17, 2020 (WAFA) – Israeli forces Thursday evening detained a leading Palestinian astrophysicist at the entrance of Anata town, northeast of Jerusalem, said WAFA correspondent.

He confirmed that Israeli troops ordered Imad Barghouthi, a 56-year-old astrophysics professor who lectures at Al-Quds University in occupied East Jerusalem, out of his vehicle and detained him at the entrance of the town.

This is the third time that Israel forces have detained Barghouthi, who hails from the Ramallah-district town of Beit Rima.

The leading professor had been arrested in April 2016, and placed under administrative detention, a prolonged, indefinitely renewable imprisonment without charge or trial, before being sentenced to seven months by an Israeli military court in October 2016.

The first time he had been arrested was in December 2014 for comments he made on Facebook and on television.

Barghouthi’s case has attracted growing global attention, especially from concerned fellow international scientists and academics, many at the top of mathematics and science fields.


About Prof. Imad Barghouthi first detention :

Scientists protest detention of Palestinian physicist->], Michele Catanzaro, Nature, 21 January 2015. ([French translation)

Lettre de l’AURDIP et BRICUP au Commissaire Européen à la Recherche, la Science et l’Innovation suite à l’arrestation de l’astrophysicien Imad al-Barghouthi, 10 janvier 2015

Letter from the Palestinian astrophysicist Imad al-Barghouthi after his release from detention, 27 janvier 2015 (French translation)

About Prof. Imad Barghouthi second detention :

Israel must release Palestinian physicist, Nature 535, 231 (14 Juillet 2016) doi:10.1038/535231a

Lettre au Commissaire européen pour la Recherche, la Science et l’Innovation à propos de la nouvelle détention de l’astrophysicien Imad Barghouthi, 4 mai 2016
Appel clôturé le 15 mai 2016.
Liste des signataires

Open Letter on Behalf of Professor Imad Ahmad Barghouthi : Tell Netanyahu – Free Imad Barghouthi ! May 11, 2016