We are very excited to have prof. Jean-Marc Lévy-Leblond, for the next installment of the Bisan Lecture Series, on Wednesday September 11th, at 7PM Palestine time. The focus of his lecture will be the universality of science. Register here to get the Zoom link!
Due to unforeseen circumstances, Suad Amiry will no longer be able to giveher Bisan lecture of September 11th. We wish her all the best, and we look forward to hearing from her about her last novel in the future. In the meantime, we are pleased to announce that the next speaker in the Bisan Lecture Series will be moving up his presentation.
Therefore, we are very excited to have prof. Jean-Marc Lévy-Leblond, for the next installment of the Bisan Lecture Series, on Wednesday September 11th, at 7PM Palestine time. The focus of his lecture will be the universality of science.
Register here to get the Zoom link!
Title: Is science universal?
Abstract: It is often admitted that science is one of the few (and perhaps the only one) human endeavours which may pretend to universality, beyond the differences in cultures, languages and social organizations. Relying upon various points of view (ethnographical, linguistic, historical) and appealing to many examples, it may be shown that this opinion deserves reexamination—without implying any simplistic relativism.
If knowledge production is no doubt a characteristic of any human society, its forms and functions are varied enough that considering it in terms of an alleged universality of science leads to underestimate the interest and fecundity of its cultural diversity. And while it is true that the present globalization sustains a strong homogeneization of scientific practices in geographical space, it simultaneously entails a new and deep mutation in historical time.
Short Biography: Jean-Marc Lévy-Leblond is a physicist and epistemologist. He is Professor Emeritus at University of Nice. His research work in theoretical physics focuses on invariance principles and group theory, quantum theory, and the structure of space-time. As a philosopher of science, he has tackled foundational problems of quantum theory and relativity theory.
He is the editor of several scientific series with the publisher Seuil (Paris), and the founder and editor of the quarterly Alliage (Culture-Science-Technique). Prof. Lévy-Leblond has authored several books on the social, political and cultural issues of modern science.
Register here! You can find the list of previous and upcoming lectures on our website.
This lecture is sponsored by the Bisan Center for Research and Development and Scientists for Palestine.
In light of the urgent need to assist the people of Gaza, who are currently experiencing immeasurable loss of life and widespread devastation, please read this humanitarian aid appeal from ANERA, forwarded to us by a friend of BLS, Dr. Sara Roy of Harvard University. Hoping to see many of you at this webinar, we send you our best regards.
The Bisan Lecture Series Steering Committee
BLS Statement of purpose In concert with Scientists for Palestine and the Bisan Center for Research and Development, and in keeping with their joint commitment to full integration of Palestine in the global community of learning, the Bisan Lecture Series sponsors discourses on subjects of cultural, scientific, and societal importance by leading research experts and public intellectuals of varied heritage and viewpoint. The interactive webinars are free and open to the public, and recordings of each will be posted soon afterward.