We EU Parliamentarians Condemn the Israeli Lawmaker Calling for a Second ‘Nakba’

Israel’s parliament should appoint a new head for the Knesset delegation for relations with the European Parliament, unless Knesset Member Ariel Kallner apologizes for these comments and deletes his despicable tweets

Dear Speaker of the Knesset Amir Ohana,

We, the undersigned Members of the European Parliament, write to express our deep concern and condemnation regarding the despicable statements made by MK (Member of the Knesset) Ariel Kallner, the head of the Knesset delegation for the relations with the European Parliament. MK Kallner’s remarks not only undermine efforts for peace and dialogue but also perpetuate violence and exacerbate an already dire situation.

As elected representatives of the European Union, it is our duty to uphold the principles of peace, human rights, and international law. In this regard, it is distressing to witness a public figure such as MK Kallner making statements that further escalate tensions and hinder the prospects for a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

On October 7, the tragic day of the Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel, MK Kallner tweeted: “Right now: one goal: Nakba! A Nakba that will overshadow the Nakba of 48. Nakba in Gaza and Nakba to anyone who dares to join”. Until today, his tweet has not yet been deleted.

Moreover, in January, MK Kallner participated in the “Conference for the Victory of Israel – Settlement Brings Security: Returning to the Gaza Strip and Northern Samaria.” According to Haaretz, the conference called for the re-settlement of the Gaza Strip and the transfer of the Palestinian population living there.

We would like to remind MK Kallner of the EU’s firm and steady position that all settlements in Palestinian territory are illegal under international law and the EU will not recognise any changes to the pre-1967 borders, including in Jerusalem, other than those agreed by both sides.

We remind MK Kallner and all Israeli officials of their obligations under international law, including the protection of civilians in armed conflict. We also would like to remind MK Kallner that the indiscriminate use of force and the targeting of civilian infrastructure in Gaza are clear violations of these legal obligations, and any attempts to justify or condone such actions are unacceptable.

Furthermore, MK Kallner’s remarks serve to perpetuate a narrative of dehumanization and demonization of the Palestinian people, which only serves to deepen divisions and fuel hatred. It is incumbent upon all parties involved to refrain from using language that incites violence and instead work towards building bridges and fostering understanding.

This is why we ask the Knesset leadership to appoint a new head of the Knesset delegation for the relations with the European Parliament, unless MK Kallner apologizes for these comments and deletes his despicable tweets.


Pierre Larrouturou, France, Socialists and Democrats

Barry Andrews, Ireland, Renew Europe

Manon Aubry, France, The Left

Irena Joveva, Slovenia Renew Europe

Brando Benifei, Italy, Socialists and Democrats

Grace O’Sullivan, Ireland, Greens/EFA

Tienere Strik, The Netherlands, Greens/EFA

Izaskun Bilbao Barandica, Spain, Renew Europe

Martina Michels, Germany, The Left

Billy Kelleher, Ireland, Renew Europe

Marina Mesure, France, The Left

Damien Carême, France, Greens/EFA

Leïla Chaibi, France, The Left

Saskia Bricmont, Belgium, Greens/EFA

Maria Soraya Rodriguez Ramos, Spain, Renew Europe

Miguel Urban Crespo, Spain, The Left

Francisco Guerreiro, Portugal, Greens/EFA

Domènec Ruiz Devesa, Spain, Socialists and Democrats

Abir Al-Sahlani, Sweden, Renew Europe

Marie Arena, Belgium, Socialists and Democrats

Ana Miranda, Spain, Greens/EFA

Petros Kokkalis, Greece, The Left

Ciarán Cuffe, Ireland, Greens/EFA