UofC Divest Celebrates Passage of Divestment Resolution

For the past two weeks, UofC Divest organizers and our allies have worked tirelessly to mobilize and educate members of the UChicago community, in order to pass our resolution calling….

For the past two weeks, UofC Divest organizers and our allies have worked tirelessly to mobilize and educate members of the UChicago community, in order to pass our resolution calling upon the University of Chicago to finally put itself on the right side of history, and divest from companies currently complicit in the illegal occupation and apartheid system in Palestine/Israel. We are proud to announce that last night, our work paid off: College Council voted to pass UofC Divest’s Resolution to Divest University Funds from Apartheid with a vote of 8-4-3.

In addition to our substantial excitement about this victory, we’re also incredibly moved and humbled by the level of support UofC Divest has received in a few short weeks. To everyone who came to one of our rallies, events, performances, or college council meetings – thank you. To everyone who worked seriously to educate themselves about the true situation in Palestine/Israel in light of our campaign – thank you. To the 20 RSOs and other student organizations who endorsed us – Al Sharq: Middle East Meets West, Armenian Students Association, Black Students Association at SSA, Chicago Justice Initiative, The Elephant, Fight For Just Food, Friends of Washington Park, Hyde Park Pagans, Jewish Voice for Peace, Latinx Students Association at SSA, Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán, Organization of Black Students, Phoenix Survivors Alliance, Queers United in Power, Socioeconomic Diversity Alliance, Southside Solidarity Network, Students for Health Equity, Students for Justice in Palestine, and Women’s Rugby Club – thank you. And finally, to the College Council members who stood up for truth and justice, and voted for our resolution despite major pressure and scare tactics from our opposition – thank you.

However, as joyful as we are in this moment, we know that the struggle is not over. If history is any indication, we know that the University of Chicago does not divest and does not move to value marginalized and oppressed communities easily. We are prepared to pressure the administration, and continue this campaign in new forms for months and years to come – until the University of Chicago divests from human rights abuses, and until Palestinians receive the justice, equity, and freedom they deserve.