Pitzer College Council Approves Resolution Suspending Study Abroad Program with the University of Haifa

On Monday March 14th, 2019, Pitzer College Council voted to conditionally suspend Pitzer College’s exchange program with the University of Haifa. This is a historic vote, as it makes Pitzer….

On Monday March 14th, 2019, Pitzer College Council voted to conditionally suspend Pitzer College’s exchange program with the University of Haifa. This is a historic vote, as it makes Pitzer College the first college in the country to suspend a study abroad program in Israel based on its gravely discriminatory policies towards Palestinians and in a settler-colonial state that continues its egregious violations of human rights.

We hope that this vote encourages institutions around the world to follow Pitzer’s lead and cut complicity with the Israeli occupation. It is important we recognize the hard work and support that goes into this win. Thank you to all the students, comrades, faculty, and organizations that have put their time and energy to make this a reality. We hope that President Oliver will uphold the democratic decision reached at the College Council and implement the suspension.

Although today we celebrate this historic win, we must fight the injustices that continue here on Pitzer College’s campus, and globally. This is one step towards the liberation of Palestine, and we are endlessly honored to take it with you all.

There can be no academic freedom under occupation!

In solidarity,

Claremont Students for Justice in Palestine