Source: BNC

Le Comité National BDS ([BNC->]) palestinien est la plus vaste coalition de la société civile palestinienne. Il dirige et soutient le mouvement mondial de Boycott, Désinvestissement et Sanctions. Suivez nous sur [Facebook->] et sur Twitter [at]BDSmovement.

The Palestinian BDS National Committee ([BNC->]) is the largest coalition in Palestinian civil society. It leads and supports the global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. Follow us on [Facebook->] and Twitter [at]BDSmovement.

Palestinians on US Embassy Opening in Jerusalem & 70 Years of the Ongoing Nakba

The Trump administration’s decision to open the US embassy in Jerusalem as Palestinians commemorate 70 painful years of displacement signals that it’s giving Israel freer reign than ever to try to push Palestinians out of their homeland. But a growing alliance of progressive communities around the world gives Palestinians hope that together they can, and will, end the ongoing assaults on Palestinian life, and create a better world for all.

Palestinians say “Their Independence, Our Nakba”

“Their Independence is our Nakba. The ethnic cleansing of 750,000 to one million indigenous Palestinians 70 years ago and turning them into refugees to establish a Jewish-majority state in Palestine is no cause for celebration. The Nakba is not a crime of the past, it is ongoing. We commemorate by asserting our right to return home and to live in freedom and dignity.”