An Israeli army commander has repeatedly threatened to make “all youth in the [Al-Duheisha] camp disabled”, reports have said. BADIL, the Resource Centre for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights, reported….
An Israeli army commander has repeatedly threatened to make “all youth in the [Al-Duheisha] camp disabled”, reports have said.
BADIL, the Resource Centre for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights, reported an Israeli army commander making repeated threats during and after raids on the camp, and during interrogations.
The commander is reportedly responsible for the Al-Duheisha area, and known to locals as “Captain Nidal”.
Local youth in Al-Duheisha told BADIL that Captain Nidal has made statements such as: “I will make all the youth of the camp disabled,” “I will have all of you walking with crutches and in wheelchairs,” “I will make half of you disabled, and let the other half push the wheelchairs,” and “I will make all of you stand in line at the ATM waiting for your disability subsidies and assistance.”
One of the injured youth told BADIL that Captain Nidal told him to tell his friends that “Nidal will make all of you disabled.”
According to BADIL, 30 Palestinians have been shot with live ammunition in the camp since the beginning of the year, the majority in their legs and knees.
They added that Al-Duheisha had been raided at least three times by Israeli forces between the end of July and mid-August, during which time 18 Palestinian youth between 14 and 27 years old were shot in their legs – eight of which shot directly in the knee and several more in both legs – causing both permanent and temporary disabilities.
An Israeli army spokesperson could not immediately be reached for comment on the reports of the threats made by the commander.