IDF to hire civilian students in part-time jobs

New initiative will offer hourly-pay to students in specific fields, providing benefits and valuable work experience.

A new business model is currently being adopted by the IDF, turning Israel’s military into an army of workers, in a move that will allow students to work for the army with hourly wages and benefits.

A new business model is currently being adopted by the IDF, turning Israel’s military into an army of workers, in a move that will allow students to work for the army with hourly wages and benefits.

Positions, however, will be limited to specific fields including intelligence, language and research, hardware and software, and piloting UAVs. Employees will be considered based on their field of study and their previous positions during military service.

Military officials also see a benefit during military operations and times during which the IDF is short on manpower provided by soldiers during their mandatory service. In certain circumstances, working for the IDF will take the place of required reserve duty.

“The benefits for student workers are even bigger,” said a human resources officer. “They can work on holidays or at times convenient for them and gain significant work experience.”

According to the new plan, employees will be limited to 120 hours of work per month. The student workers will receive sick days as well as additional benefits not normally offered to students.