UPDATE December 31, 2015 We are outraged and very sad to inform you all that our friend and colleague Mohammad Abu Sakha was sentenced to six months in administrative detention…..
UPDATE December 31, 2015
We are outraged and very sad to inform you all that our friend and colleague Mohammad Abu Sakha was sentenced to six months in administrative detention. The order was issued on Tuesday 29th of December but can still be appealed with all your support!
We want Abu Sakha back!
#FREEABUSAKHA from Hannah Prytherch on Vimeo.
We are reaching out to you all, now more than ever, to help us free him by:
– signing and sharing the petitions created in support of AbuSakha
– Calling or sending a letter to The Israeli Occupation Forces
You can find a sample letter here
Telephone: +972-(0)3-697-7957
Fax: +972-(0)3-697-5177
– Contacting members of your National Parliament or from the European Parliament, political representatives, Ministries of Foreign Affairs or your diplomatic missions to enquire about the situation of Mohammed and ask them to put pressure on the Israeli Authorities.
People from all the world are sending us messages of support. We THANK you all so much for your concrete solidarity!
A message we received from a French friend “Hello, I’m really extremely sad for Mohammed, I’m a french woman. I’ve been in your school and i’ve met you with my daughter after a representation. You are very wonderful people!!! all of you!! I’ve signed and sent the petitions. I hope Mohammed will be Safe and Free very soon!!! I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH”
What is administrative detention?
Administrative detention in the West Bank, not including East Jerusalem, is currently carried out pursuant a security order. The Order empowers military commanders in the West Bank to detain a person for a maximum period of six months, when they have reasonable grounds to believe that “a certain person must be held in detention for reasons to do with regional security or public security”. The military commanders may extend the detention order for an additional period of up to six months. The Order does not specify a maximum cumulative period for administratively detaining a person, enabling the detention to be extended repeatedly.’ (From B’Tselem)
Israel argues that administrative detention of residents of the West Bank is carried out only as an imperative security measure and that the decision to administratively detain a person is made only when ordinary judicial proceedings or less severe administrative measures will not prevent the danger posed by the detainee. However, these claims do not reflect the manner in which Israel uses administrative detention in the Occupied Territories. In practice, Israel breaches international law, while misusing the powers given to military commanders in the Administrative Detention Order.
It is clear, that in the case of Mohammed AbuSakha the claim of a threat to regional or public security is ridiculous and holds no ground at all. AbuSakha is a circus teacher and performer in which he is full time involved for the last 7 years. It is purely insane that they incarcerate a clown, for the crime of making children happy.
Please share our call for action as wide as you possibly can!!!
All details are found on this facebook page: freeabusakha
Thank you very much and despite all, we do wish you all a happy new year and more justice for Palestinians and refugees worldwide!
UPDATE December 22, 2015
Today, December 22, in Military Court at Salem, Mohammed AbuSakha was given administrative detention, but no charges were presented against him. Administrative detention can lead to from 3 months up to indefinite detention, without the need for any charge to be presented against him.
The detention order will be signed within 72 hours. We might be able to change something with a lot of attention and pressure from outside.
Since October 1, hundreds of young Palestinians have been arrested
Therefore we need you to take action:
- Contact members of your National Parliament or from the European Parliament, political representatives, Ministries of Foreign Affairs or your diplomatic missions. They can enquire about the illegal arbitrary detention of Mohammed Faisal Abu Sakha.
- Contact your media to bring the story of our arbitrarily detained circus trainer and performer and the illegality of the use of administrative detention without charges.
- Share this statement and call for action with all your contacts. Twitter, Facebook, mails…
- Set up an action in front of the Israeli consulate or embassy in your country. Set up an event, a protest
Make a Christmas Miracle happen for Mohammed, for his friends and students at the circus, for his family.
We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for all your support and concrete actions.
We depend on you right now.
Birzeit, December 21, 2015
Trainer & performer of the Palestinian Circus School detained by the Israeli Occupation Forces.
Last Monday, December 14, Israeli soldiers arrested a member of the circus family, Mohammad Faisal Abu Sakha, 23 years old, at Zaatara checkpoint, while on his way from his family home in Jenin to Ramallah to attend a music concert. Mohammad has been detained for a week now, and is being kept in military detention centers in the West Bank. Palestinians arrested under Israeli military law, are mostly exposed to serious physical and psychological violence, transfers and harsh interrogations, sometimes aiming to obtain false confessions.
Mohammad is part of the Palestinian Circus School since 2007, first as a student and since 2011 as a full time trainer and performer. Mohammad is very passionate about his work in general and about the social programs of the school in particular. He’s known with his magic ability to draw smiles on all people’s faces. Mohammed his entire life is dedicated to the circus.
He was arrested without any reason and no charge was made against him.
Tomorrow, December 22, he will have a military court where he can be trialled with administrative detention. Administrative detention is a procedure that allows the Israeli military to hold prisoners indefinitely on secret information without charging them or allowing them to stand trial.
We strongly condemn the arbitrary detention of our college and friend and ask you to join us in solidarity to free Mohammed AbuSakha so he can come back and be with his students, his colleges and his family.
Palestinian Circus School
Birzeit / Palestine
Telefax : +970 2 2812000
Mail : info@palcircus.ps
Website : www.palcircus.ps
Facebook: The Palestinian Circus School
Twitter: PalestineCircus