Subject: CPS | The Israeli academy and the Palestinian struggle Description: Accounts of recent events on university campuses For eleven days in May 2021, the world watched in horror as….
Subject: CPS | The Israeli academy and the Palestinian struggle
Description: Accounts of recent events on university campuses
For eleven days in May 2021, the world watched in horror as Israel engaged once again in a relentless and inhumane military attack on Gaza. This outright military attack followed days of organized violence and threatened evictions in Jerusalem during Ramadan. Few international media outlets reported on a systematic series of violent attacks on Palestinian faculty and students in academic institutions across Israel. Peaceful Palestinian protesters were attacked by right-wing Jewish civilian militants while police stood by and watched; Palestinian students were assaulted or threatened by campus security; Others were arrested at random, some beaten and humiliated while in police custody; A great number of students fled their institutions mid-semester in fear of their lives and safety. Only a few academic institutions commented on these events, and none offered students any long term reassurance.
On Wednesday, June 23, from 1:30 to 3:00 pm ET, we will have an opportunity to hear directly from Palestinians describing some of what they have been seeing, hearing, and experiencing on Israeli campuses over the last few weeks. We invite US-based academics, students and activists to join, hear the testimonies, ask questions, and learn about how we might lend our support in a meaningful way.
The Center for Palestine Studies promotes the academic study of Palestine by supporting research, teaching, and intellectual collaboration among scholars within Columbia University and beyond. CPS provides an interdisciplinary home for faculty, post-doctoral researchers, and students at Columbia.
Time: 23 June 2021, 01:30 PM in Eastern Standard Time (US and Canada) – 07:30 PM Paris time