Category: Columns

Groundbreaking statement by 200 European Legal Scholars Upholds the Right to BDS for Palestinian Rights

Palestinians welcome statement as “a major blow to Israel’s repressive legal war” on the BDS movement:

  • Renowned legal scholars and lawyers from 15 European countries consider BDS as “a lawful exercise of freedom of expression”
  • Palestinian BDS human rights defenders welcome the statement as a “defining moment” in asserting their right to boycott Israel to realize Palestinian rights

California Scholars for Academic Freedom lay out recent history of assaults on universities regarding academic freedom, the right of free speech and dissent

California Scholars for Academic Freedom (CS4AF) a group of over 200 scholars at twenty California institutions of higher learning, urge a renewed and strong support by university administrators for academic freedom and the right to free speech and dissent in light of an alarming recent history of assaults on academic freedom.