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We must acknowledge that Israel’s policies against Palestinians amount to the crime of apartheid, say former European foreign ministers

Five former European foreign ministers have written calling for the acknowledgment that Israeli policies against Palestinians, amount to the crime of apartheid. In their piece (originally in French in Le Monde), Mogens Lykketoft, former Foreign Minister and UN General Assembly President, (Denmark), Erkki Tuomioja, former Foreign Minister (Finland), Ivo Vajgl, former Foreign Minister (Slovenia), Hubert Védrine, former Foreign Minister (France) and Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, former Cabinet Minister and Foreign Office Minister for the United Nations, Human Rights and the ICC (United Kingdom), denounce human rights violations against Palestinians and call on the international community to hold the Israeli government to account.

Coverage can also be found in Le Monde in French and in English, and in Delo in Slovenian.