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The president of AFPS taken in custody: he must be released immediately

The AURDIP stands together with Bertrand Heilbronn, President of the Association France-Palestine Solidarité (AFPS), and with all those who went to the demonstration today. It was scheduled for 4pm, but the decision to forbid it was notified only at 1pm, when most of the participants were already on the way. Moreover, no incident of any kind occured during the standoff with the police. But when it comes to suppressing expressions of solidarity with the Palestinian people, no holds are barred. In that case, as in so many others, our government meets legitimate demands, grounded in law and simple decency, with repression. What is happening now in Jerusalem, Gaza or Lod is the outcome of years of military occupation and apartheid, and by pretending to ignore that reality our government just makes the situation worse. The AURDIP will keep demanding the implementation of international law in Palestine, the end of colonization and the murderous blockade of Gaza. We will participate in all actions organized towards that end and we demand the immediate release of Bertrand Heilbronn.

The French Association of Academics for the Respect of International Law in Palestine (AURDIP)