Support the Palestinian Human Rights Defenders

You can support Human Rights Defenders in Palestine through the Belgian organization Viva Salud.

The Israeli Minister of “Defense” declared six prominent human rights organizations, including Bisan Center for Research and Development, as illegal, endangering their work and exposing them to arbitrary attacks by the occupation.

The designations against the six organizations are the latest in a long-running series of actions to undermine and restrict human rights defenders and civil society organizations working for the human rights of Palestinians, including using military regulations to declare groups unlawful. – UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachalat (26 October 2021)

According to the People’s Health Movement, this classification targets six of the most prominent organizations within the Palestinian civil society. These organizations work to defend human rights, document Israeli violations, provide health and social services, and advocate for the rights of Palestinians to ensure international protection against Israeli settler-colonization and apartheid.

“Silencing their voices is not what a democracy adhering to well-accepted human rights and humanitarian standards would do. We call upon the international community to defend the defenders.”, according to UN Human Rights Experts

Support for Human Rights Defenders in Palestina is now more needed than ever. Their already difficult working conditions have become even more challenging in light of these recent events. Do you also support them? You can do so through Viva Salud, a longtime supporter of the Palestinian human rights community.

You can support through this page, or through direct transaction to Viva Salud on BE15 0010 4517 8030 | BIC: GEBABEBB, with the description ‘Donation Palestina Human Rights Defenders’.

Donate here

Viva Salud