Statement on the recent hacking of the websites of organizations of the Palestine solidarity movement in France

Several websites of the Palestine solidarity movement have been attacked by a hacker who uses the pseudonym “Ulcan” and who has claimed responsibility on the internet for a number of….

Several websites of the Palestine solidarity movement have been attacked by a hacker who uses the pseudonym “Ulcan” and who has claimed responsibility on the internet for a number of these attacks. The sites in question belong to Agence Média Palestine, UJFP (French Jewish Union for Peace), CCIPPP (International Civic Campaign for the Protection of the Palestinian People), AURDIP (Association of Academics for the Respect of International Law in Palestine), the Collective 69 in support of the Palestinian people, and others. The attacks continue and this list is incomplete.

Moreover, we have learned in an article dated July 27 on the website of the newspaper Le Parisien that the same individual or group of individuals using the same pseudonym is responsible for hacking the website of Yann Galut, Socialist deputy for the department of the Cher. Galut is known for his active opposition to the extreme right and called for participation in the demonstration, held on July 23, and organized by the “National collective for a just and lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians.”

While the Israeli army is perpetrating war crimes in Gaza, and while the number of victims continues to grow, those who seek to bring an end to the massacre by mobilizing public opinion, and by using the elementary democratic rights of freedom of expression and freedom of assembly, are coming under attack. We will not be reduced to silence, and we will use all available legal means to identify and punish those responsible for this crime.


-Agence Média Palestine

– Association des Universitaires pour le Respect du Droit International en Palestine – AURDIP

– Campagne Civile Internationale pour la Protection du Peuple Palestinien – CCIPPP

– Collectif 69 de soutien au peuple palestinien

– Rouge Midi

– Union Juive Française pour la Paix