People of conscience: Palestinians ask you to boycott Israel
Inspired by the South African anti-apartheid struggle, the nonviolent BDS movement needs your support, writes BDS co-founder Omar Barghouti
Omar Barghouti est membre fondateur de la Campagne palestinienne pour le boycott universitaire et culturel d’Israël ([PACBI->])
Inspired by the South African anti-apartheid struggle, the nonviolent BDS movement needs your support, writes BDS co-founder Omar Barghouti
The Institute for Palestine Studies has published Omar Barghouti in-depth essay on the BDS movement, including an up-to-date analysis of the state of the movement, its impact and the challenges and opportunities ahead.
Inspired by the civil rights and anti-apartheid movements, it calls for Palestinian liberation on terms of full equality with Israelis and categorically opposes all forms of racism, including anti-Semitism.
Palestinian civil society reacts to Israel’s “Jewish Nation-State Law” which unambiguously defines Israel as a state that belongs exclusively to the “Jewish people.” This is despite the fact that one in five citizens of Israel is an indigenous, non-Jewish Palestinian.
Ireland and EU complicit in enabling Israel’s violations of Palestinian’s rights
[Omar Barghouti, Palestinian human rights activist and co-founder of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel, addressed the European Parliament on Wednesday at the invitation of Portuguese MEP Ana Gomes to take part in a discussion panel on “The Israeli Settlements in Palestine and the European Union”. This is the text of his speech.]
[This is truly remarkable!
As one Lorde fan recently wrote: Oh Lorde!
The largest-circulation newspaper in New Zealand is not just defending in the editorial below Lorde’s decision to cancel her Tel Aviv gig, heeding appeals from her fans and BDS activists. It is defending the right to adopt the peaceful tactics of BDS to end Israel’s occupation and international law violations, and it compares BDS for Palestinian rights to the global boycott movement that supported the struggle against apartheid South Africa.
It calls out the Israeli regime for plagiarizing some of its most common anti-BDS arguments from the propaganda playbook of the apartheid regime in South Africa.
Phan Nguyen was arguably the first — as far as I can tell — to brilliantly research and expose several aspects of this propaganda plagiarism in this article in Mondoweiss (highly recommended).
Another beautiful article on Lorde’s cancellation is penned by Yousef Munayyer, director of the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights. You can read it here.
From all the positive coverage of Lorde’s refusal to be complicit in art-washing Israel’s brutal crimes against the Palestinian people, one has to agree with the conclusion of Yuval Ben-Ami, an Israeli author who wrote a book on Lorde. He told Newsweek:
“Several other great artists have canceled, [but Lorde] appears to be the first of her generation, and that’s meaningful. I am a huge fan of Lorde, but an even bigger fan of equality. So long as people here live without rights, hers is the right choice, and if the BDS movement is emulated in other places where human rights are a concern, that would be commendable.”
I wish you all a happier, most just and peaceful new year!
Omar Barghouti]
Cultural boycott of Israel, not dialogue, is needed. We had dialogue for decades and that did not bring any justice.
After years of occupation and dispossession, the time for Palestinian freedom is now.
As more than 1,000 Palestinian prisoners have entered their ninth day on a massive hunger strike inside Israeli jails, we are joined by the Palestinian activist Omar Barghouti, who has come to the United States to receive the 2017 Gandhi Peace Award for his work as co-founder of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, or BDS, movement. At the award ceremony, Barghouti dedicated the prize to Palestinians on hunger strike. He was almost prevented from attending after Israeli police arrested him, seizing his passport and forbidding him from leaving the country. An Israeli court eventually temporarily lifted the travel ban.