Source: Médecins sans frontières

Abdallah, Aseel, Nermin, Shams et Yasmine ont la vingtaine, ils ont tous grandi à Gaza. Dans cette mini-série de quatre épisodes, ils racontent leur adolescence et leur quotidien dans le petit territoire enclavé, sous blocus israélo-égyptien depuis 2007.

MSF doctors killed in strike on Al-Awda hospital in northern Gaza

Brussels/Jerusalem – Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is horrified by the killing of two MSF doctors, Dr Mahmoud Abu Nujaila and Dr Ahmad Al Sahar, and a third doctor, Dr Ziad Al-Tatari, following a strike earlier today on Al-Awda hospital, Gaza, Palestine. Our thoughts are with their families and all colleagues mourning their death. Al-Awda is one of the last remaining functional hospitals in northern Gaza.