53 civil society organizations in solidarity with the Palestinian organizations designated by Israel as “terrorist groups”

Defense of human rights is not terrorism. Israel is persisting in its declaration of prominent Palestinian civil society organizations as terrorist groups. Recently, the military put words into action by….

Defense of human rights is not terrorism. Israel is persisting in its declaration of prominent Palestinian civil society organizations as terrorist groups. Recently, the military put words into action by raiding their offices and shutting them down.

These declarations are baseless. Indeed, the U.S. Administration, the European Union and other allies of Israel found Israel’s allegations unconvincing. After thoroughly examining the material Israel provided them, all of the European countries that are donors to these organizations decided to continue their support.

Documentation, advocacy and legal aid are the core of human rights work around the world. Criminalizing such activity is a deplorable act characteristic of repressive regimes.

We stand in solidarity with our fellow human rights defenders in Palestinian society. We repudiate these baseless declarations and call on the international community to pressure Israel to revoke its decision.

A Land for All | Academia for Equality | ACAP – The Arab Center for Alternative Planning | Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel | Akevot Institute | ASSAF |Bimkom – Planners for Planning Rights | Breaking the Silence | B’Tselem | Coalition of Women Against Weapons | Combatants for Peace | Emek Shaveh | Gisha – Legal Center for Freedom of Movement | Gun Free Kitchen Tables | HaMoked: Center for the Defence of the Individual | Haqel: In Defense of Human Rights | Harvest Coalition | Human Rights Defenders Fund | Ir Amim | Isha L’Isha | Itach Ma’aki – Women Lawyers for Social Justice | J Street | Kerem Navot | Looking the Occupation in the Eye | Machsom Watch | Mahapach-Taghir | Mehazkim | Mesarvot | Mothers Against Violence | Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equlity | New Israel Fund | Oz Veshalom: Israel’s Jewish Religious Peace Movement | Parents against Child Detention | Peace Now | Peace NGO Forum | Physicians for Human Rights Israel | Psychoactive | Rabbis for Human Rights | Recognition Forum | Sikkuy-Aufoq | Social TV | The Abraham Initiatives | The Association for Civil Rights in Israel | The Joint Democratic Initiative | The Parents Circle – Families Forum | The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | The School for Peace | Torat Tzedek – Torah Of Justice | Women Against Violence | Yesh Din – Volunteers for Human Rights | Yesh-Gvul | Zazim – Community Action | Zochrot