Military Judge Approves Administrative Detention for Palestinian Minor With Rare Health Condition

The opaque process will leave the 17-year-old from Ramallah in prison without the right of defense after he was initially released on bail.

A reserve military judge, attorney Shimon Ashual, ratified on Monday an administrative detention order against Amal Nakhleh, a high school student from Ramallah.

The order was signed by Col. Naama Rosen Grimberg, an intelligence officer from the IDF’s Central Command, and is valid until July 20, 2021.

An administrative detention is the incarceration of a person without a trial and without the right todefense, on the grounds that they intend to break the law in the future.

This detention can go on indefinitely and is based on confidential evidence submitted to the military judges. Based on past experiences, the detention order receives almost automatic approval.

At the start of November 2020, Nakhleh was detained for the first time and then accused of throwing stones. The military prosecution offered a plea bargain to his lawyers fromthe Palestinian NGO Addameer, which would see the boy imprisoned for one year, or half a year with the option for military detention. When the lawyers refused and asked for release on bail, the prosecution threatened that an administrative detention order would be issued against him if he was to be released.

Nevertheless, a military judge, followed by a court of appeals, ordered his release on bail after they took into account his rare and severe autoimmune disease.

However, he was detained again on January 21 based on recent allegations against him, according to the Shin Bet.