Nablus Cultural Festival

Nablus Inaugural Cultural Festival is intended to offer the people of Nablus the opportunity to enjoy a wide range of international art as well as to give people from abroad….

Nablus Inaugural Cultural Festival is intended to offer the people of Nablus the opportunity to enjoy a wide range of international art as well as to give people from abroad the chance to appreciate the local art, culture and way of living. The Festival will take place from the 25th of April to the 2nd of May, having as main venue the alleys and charming hidden stages of the Old City: a cumulus of Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman architecture. For seven days, Visual Arts, Dance and Music will enrich the friendly and smiling breeze of the Nablus’s spring.

What will we use your money for?

During the festival, for seven days, we will host and feed more than fifty artists from around the world and other cities of Palestine. That is a big effort which comes along with the spending required for the staging of each of our events.

Most of our artist are very supportive of our project and they are funding their own flights; this project is already becoming reality. Help us to make it the best possible.

If you would like to help with this project, you could provide financial support by clicking the following link: