Israeli Apartheid Week 2015

Call out

Now, our battle to hold Israel accountable for its fresh war crimes and crimes against humanity has begun. The outcome of this battle to end Israeli impunity will determine whether Israel’s latest assault will be yet another stage in Israel’s “incremental genocide” of Palestinians or the turning point that will bring an end to Israel’s status as an entity above the law—the world’s dangerous pariah. The outcome of this battle depends on you.” – statement from Gaza civil society organisations, September 2014

Israeli Apartheid Week 2015 – #IsraeliApartheidWeek

Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) is an international series of events that seeks to raise awareness of Israel’s apartheid system over the Palestinian people and to build support for the growing boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement.

In 2014, IAW events including rallies, lectures, cultural performances, film screenings, multimedia displays and BDS actions were held across more than 200 cities and university campuses in 28 countries.

Unprecedented numbers of people took to the streets to protest Israel’s recent massacre of more than 2,300 Palestinians in Gaza, yet most governments and many corporations continue to provide Israel with support for its crimes. IAW is a chance to speak out about Israel’s most recent war crimes and all its violations of international law, as well as a way of campaigning to end international support for them.

Ten years on from the launch of the BDS campaign, this year’s Israeli Apartheid Week is also an opportunity to reflect on the success of the movement so far, and build for the continued growth and impact of our BDS campaigns.

If you would like to organize and be part of Israeli Apartheid Week on your campus or in your city, check out what events are already planned at, or get in touch with us at iawinfo[at] Also find us on Facebook and Twitter.

Being part of Israeli Apartheid Week is easy – here are 5 things you can do:

  1. Organize a film screening. Consider hosting a film. For more info or for suggestions check out our resources page or contact us at
  2. Arrange a lecture, workshop, rally or protest.
    There are many speakers ranging from academics, politicians, trade unionists and cultural activists that we can suggest for you to host. Be in touch with us and we can put you in contact.
  3. Organize a BDS action.
    Organize a Israel boycott action action or table a boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) motion at your relevant student council, trade union branch or municipality. If you are already working on a BDS campaign, Israeli Apartheid Week can be a great opportunity to build that campaign and bring it to a wider audience.
  4. Join us online – #IsraeliApartheidWeek.
    Help us spread the word online about Israeli Apartheid Week. Follow Israeli Apartheid Week on Twitter and Facebook, including using the hashtag #IsraeliApartheidWeek and share photos and reports from events you organise or attend.
  5. Be creative.
    Be creative! Draw attention to Israeli apartheid by erecting a mock Israeli Apartheid Wall or Checkpoint, organising a flash mob or creative demonstration or by holding a concert or poetry reading.

If you are organising IAW events in your city, please get in touch via iawinfo[at] so we can add your events to our website and share them on social media.